Scheduled and extraordinary maintenance for comprehensive care of outdoor green solutions

Our routine and extraordinary maintenance services preserve the outdoor green landscaping solutions for longer, ensuring health and beauty every time.
We employ specialist staff to provide maintenance services on outdoor green solutions on both our own projects and in existing spaces.

The regular maintenance of outdoor green landscaping solutions throughout the year include activities such as:

• Mowing the lawns
• Fertilising
• General cleaning
• Pruning
• Cutting of hedges and shrubs
• Fungicides and anti-parasite treatments
• Removal of weeds on pavements and borders
• Checking of irrigation systems
• Disposal of waste materials
• Removal and replacement of trees
• Nursery maintenance activities

Our services also include Tree Climbing maintenance interventions for the pruning, monitoring and maintenance of tall green solutions.

At the end of each intervention, a summary sheet is drawn up indicating the work carried out to ensure maximum transparency in our customer relations.

Extraordinary maintenance interventions

We guarantee interventions on outdoor green spaces in all the most difficult situations. We have the staff, means and equipment to successfully respond to all requirements.

The extraordinary maintenance of outdoor green landscaping solutions include activities such as:

• Removal of fallen plants
• Felling of wilting trees or those at risk of falling
• Performance of agronomic studies to establish the health of the plants and, in the case of any diseases in progress, the assessment of the necessary measures to be taken.